Saturday, May 06, 2006

The London Update

My whirlwind five day trip to London was wonderful and I find it amazing how visiting such a vibrant city can make me feel so vibrant. (Minus the jet lag, of course.) Apart from visiting with friends, which is always a treat, highlights were the one play and one art exhibit I managed to squeeze into all my socializing.

Embers, the Christopher Hampton adaptation of Sandor Marai's novel was an enjoyable play, but what made it so engaging was Jeremy Iron's tour de force performance - wow. Even though it was ostensibly a two character play, it was actually a two hour monologue by Irons - and a brilliant one at that.

At the Victoria & Albert Museum is a small exhibit of ten new paintings by Frank Auerbach and Lucian Freud. This is not only the first time these paintings have been shown, but the first time these two artists have been exhibited together. And the point of the exhibit was not to display the affinities between the two but, I suppose, to demonstrate their importance in the realm of British painting as they hang in the same gallery as the rest of the museum's Turners and Constables. The curator of the exhibit explains the exhibition in greater detail.

Just six more weeks until I'm back in London when it will be time for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition!

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